Real World Gyan From Marg CEO

Aug 10, 2011   //   by administrator   //   Speech  //  No Comments

Friday, October 8, 2010
It was Thursday evening and we were all waiting for our first guest lecturer of the academic year. As we sat there with a lot of expectations and wondered what he would talk about, in walked Mr. Ramakrishnan, the CEO of MARG. Mr. Ramakrishnan’s lecture was thought provoking and filled with a lot of real world gyaan that was required for budding managers like us. He started off saying that ‘every man should know to manage else man will age’ that certainly did the trick of grabbing all our attention. He went on to say that ‘if the man is right, then the world would become alright’, stressing the importance of man management. According to him a man should always aim for more and never be content with how much he/she has achieved. He explained this point with context to his own life and how he has been doing what he loves like writing, real estate, managing etc. He said that we should remove the word ‘if’ from our dictionary as it stops one from going forward and trying something. This was truly inspirational. We should strive to achieve our goals and approach all our problems with a positive attitude…and I just couldn’t agree more. But the fun part was when he spoke about what a husband expects from a wife and vice-versa and how both should work on their marriage to make it a success and he related that to an organization…how you look at an organization and what you expect from it and vice versa. This implied that one has to always realize what an organization wants from you and work together for both individual and organization success. When one of the students asked who is more important- happy customers or happy employees, he said that only if employees are happy, an organization can get happy customers. He ended his mesmerizing lecture by saying that we all should have the sky as our limit and never be satisfied with how much we have achieved and constantly strive to change ourselves for the better.

Contributed by Asif Sultan- International Management Varsity (V Batch 2010-11)


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